Jun 21Liked by Ana Bogdan

This was so interesting to read and reflect on, Ana. Keep it coming! :)

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Jun 21Liked by Ana Bogdan

Ah, the article I have been waiting to read…multumeac, Ana! It’s interesting how on the one hand, there’s this securitization representation in the media - and on the other, there is no representation at all in the media… how many series, tv or radio programmes reflect the East European diversity in a Western country?

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Such a great point!

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Jun 20Liked by Ana Bogdan

Born&bread bucharestian here - completely agree 👌

Had the same reaction when the West didn't care about my knowledge&passions :))

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Jun 20Liked by Ana Bogdan

A more fitting title for the article in Der Spiegel would have been, “What Eating Lamb’s Ear in Eastern Europe Taught Me About Resilience”

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👏 bingo!

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